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blue lawsSomeone else wants to see beer, wine at the grocery store
Submitted by Justinian on February 20, 2007 - laws | Merchant of Vino | Trader Joes
Check out this brief from Sunday's Post: Wine at grocers Proponents of expanding liquor sales in Colorado are quietly working on a measure that would allow the sale of beer and wine in grocery stores. The proposal would let King Soopers, Safeway and other grocers with pharmacies and a certain percentage of revenues from meat and fresh produce sell the beverages. The plan would not include big discounters like Wal- Mart. Washington's Sunday liquor sales experiment a successCheck out this report over at . Apparently the state of Washington conducted an experiment that allowed a portion of its state-run and all of it's private contract liquor stores to sell booze on Sunday. The result? They made more money. The state was expecting to make $9.6 million off of the experiment which runs until the end of June, but it now thinks that it will make $18.5 million. I'm glad I don't live in Utah, but Colorado laws still suckI read something the other day that reminded me of a trip to Moab my wife and I took a couple years ago. It was a great trip, we met some really cool people and saw some really cool places. We tried a couple Moab breweries while we we there and we discovered that Utah's liquor laws are really strange. For starters restaurants have to physically split the area where beer and liquor are served. I guess you can't get an Irish Car Bomb in Utah. ![]() |
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