Poor Utah, you just don't like beer

Submitted by Justinian on February 18, 2007 - 10:58am.

I'm sure I'm going to get flamed on this, but I just have to point this out.

Utah has awesome natural wonders, but I'm not the only one to notice that it lacks some things in the beer department.

According to The Big Book o' Beer, Utah has the lowest beer consumption rate per capita of any state in the States.

"Here, residents consume only 79 Liters of beer per year. Then again, beer is scarce in this state, as beer lovers attending the 2002 Winter Olympic Games discovered."

I feel vindicated. Now, let the flames begin...

FYI - The highest beer consumption in the States (according to this book) is Nevada, which rolled in at 184 liters per person. It's not too hard to find a beer (or other things Utah folk might frown upon) there..

Oh yeah, and just so you don't think I'm crazy, here's a link to a site that lists the weird Utah booze laws I blogged about .

Submitted by Mikey (not verified) on February 22, 2007 - 2:39pm.

Flame on!

Utahns do indeed consume less beer on average than most states. That's bound to happen when abstaining lawmakers write your liquor laws. I'll give you that.

The states liquor laws are beyond nuts. Nobody knows that more than those of us who are under the thumb.

But this quote of yours that beer is scarce and that beer loving, Olympic visitors were hard pressed to find good beer is a crock of @#$%.

Beer Sales had a record year last year of over a hundred million dollars.

Flame off.

Submitted by Justinian on February 22, 2007 - 5:35pm.


Thanks for taking it easy on me!

I'm done making fun of Utah (and I didn't even mention the "private" clubs). 

All that matters is that we support our local breweries. Kudos to Mike for doing that! 

When I get around to it, I'll add Mike's blog to my blogroll.

Cheers, Mike!

Oh and can you drop one of these in the mail? 

Submitted by Meisterberger (not verified) on February 22, 2007 - 11:13pm.

I agree with Mikey, but his figures are wrong. Beer sales for 2006 year topped 200 million in Utah. Booya!!!

Submitted by Bubba (not verified) on February 24, 2007 - 3:03am.

 Utah brewers have held there own when it comes to Awards! Uinta Brewing just tied for third in the Toronado Barley Wine Festival.I didn't see any Colorado brewers on the list.Our local brewers brew Award Winning Beers time and time again.While we might not be brewing or consuming as much as Colorado our beer is every bit as good as the beer brewed in Colorado.

Submitted by Justinian on February 24, 2007 - 8:28am.

Hey Bubba, I never called into question the quality of Utah Beer - The quantity, yes, but not the quality. I've had a few tasty Utah brews over the years and hope to try some more!


