Flying Dog releases Heller Hound spring seasonal

Submitted by Justinian on March 13, 2007 - 7:53am. |

Man, it sure feels like Spring. It stays light longer (thanks Congress!), all the snow is gone from my yard in Denver, and today it's going to be 74 degrees today!

After this winter, I'm looking forwad to sitting on the porch drinking a beer and soaking up the sun. Granted I'm sure we've got a couple snowstorms to come, but I'll take the warmth while I can.

Speaking of Spring, check this out. Flying Dog's Heller Hound spring season will be available from April through May.

It's a traditional-style Maibock brewed with a combination of Vienna and Munich malts. With a rich mouthfeel and subtle hop finish, Heller Hound is the perfect brew for toasting the sun’s return.


