About Us


Welcome to ColoradoBeerNews.com

Welcome to ColoradoBeerNews.com! This site was designed to be the place to go to for news and information about everything that is beer in Colorado.
Look around and if you like what you see, register as a user and you'll be able to contribute reviews, comment on stories, talk about things in the Beer Garden, start a blog and more.
We decided to go with a "soft launch" which means we didn't send out any press releases or hold a launch party. So spread the word to your friends that we're here.
The site is still being developed, so let us know by about anything that doesn't work, or anything that you'd like to see work better.

Drink it up!

ColoradoBeerNews.com was born out of a desire to provide a single source for Colorado Beer News.
The site features a calendar of Colorado Beer Events, stories, Colorado beer blogs, beer links, a complete list of Colorado breweries,Colorado beer reviews and more.
One of the great things about the site is that people just like you are able to post events, start beer blogs, review beers and contribute in our forums (the beer garden). Registration is free and easy, all you need to give us is your email address and a username.

The site uses Drupal, a free open source content management system, which kicks ass.

We're Mac guys and the site was designed using Safari, but it should also work on Internet Explorer 6+ for Windows. It kinda works on Internet Explorer on the Mac, but not really. Oh, yeah, it works like a dandy using Firefox.

Justinian Hatfield is a newspaper Web/IT guy by day. He's a homebrewer and Colorado beer aficionado. Justinian is also proud to have completed Old C's World Beer Tour.

This page is dedicated to the memory of Jesse the dog


