
Poor Utah, you just don't like beer

Submitted by Justinian on February 18, 2007 - 10:58am.

I'm sure I'm going to get flamed on this, but I just have to point this out.

Utah has awesome natural wonders, but I'm not the only one to notice that it lacks some things in the beer department.

According to The Big Book o' Beer, Utah has the lowest beer consumption rate per capita of any state in the States.

"Here, residents consume only 79 Liters of beer per year. Then again, beer is scarce in this state, as beer lovers attending the 2002 Winter Olympic Games discovered."

I'm glad I don't live in Utah, but Colorado laws still suck

Submitted by Justinian on January 26, 2007 - 9:40am. |

I read something the other day that reminded me of a trip to Moab my wife and I took a couple years ago. It was a great trip, we met some really cool people and saw some really cool places.

We tried a couple Moab breweries while we we there and we discovered that Utah's liquor laws are really strange. For starters restaurants have to physically split the area where beer and liquor are served. I guess you can't get an Irish Car Bomb in Utah.

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