Old Chub in a stick

Submitted by Justinian on October 30, 2006 - 3:47pm.

[img_assist|nid=533|title=Old Chub in a stick|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=100|height=82]The next time you're jonesing for Oskar Blue's Old Chub, all you have to do is reach in your pocket.
Our favorite brewery in Lyons just created the world's first beer lip balm, Old Chub Stick.
It's a small-batch, custom-made balm made with almond and macadamia nut oils, beeswax, cocoa, coconut oil... and Old Chub beer and Old Chub's malt and hops.
It smells and tastes great (like Old Chub), and it's SPF 15, too.
Stop in to the pub and pick up some "Chub Stick" on your next visit.
Twist the Knob & Rub the Chub!
Check out OskarBlues.com for the scoop.


